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Psychologon / Rešerše
Rosie King: How autism freed me to be myself
Mnoha lidem jsem to zatím neřekla, ale uvnitř hlavy mám tisíce tajných světů, které existují současně.Jsem autistka.
Psychologon / Rešerše
Sexual revolutions: A new view of our diversity
We are only just coming to understand the full rainbow of sexual and gender identities.
Psychologon / Rešerše
Co přinese výzkum endogenního retroviru šílenství?
Pozoruhodná léčba schizofrenie a roztroušené sklerózy protilátkami, které cílí na produkt endogenního retroviru, právě prochází prvními testy na lidech.
Psychologon / Psychologon
Power: Models, Social Psychology, Neurobiology and Pathology
MUDr. František Koukolík in his short study talks about power, debilization and a dark trio.
Psychologon / Rešerše
Dokážeme oživit poškozenou paměť pomocí implantovaných elektrod?
Američtí vojenští výzkumníci tvrdí, že ano, a novou technologii už testují na lidech.
Psychologon / Uncategorised
Alyson McGregor: Why medicine often has dangerous side effects for women
You might not know this: Many of the medicines we take — common drugs like Ambien and everyday aspirin — were only ever tested on men. And the unknown side effects for women can be dangerous, even deadly. Alyson McGregor studies the differences between male and female patients; in this fascinating talk she explains how the male model became our framework for medical research ... and what women and men need to ask their doctors to get the right care for their bodies.
Psychologon / Rešerše
Can the damaged brain repair itself?
After a traumatic brain injury, it sometimes happens that the brain can repair itself, building new brain cells to replace damaged ones. But the repair doesn't happen quickly enough to allow recovery from degenerative conditions like motor neuron disease (also known as Lou Gehrig's disease or ALS). Siddharthan Chandran walks through some new techniques using special stem cells that could allow the damaged brain to rebuild faster. (Siddhartan Chandran)
Psychologon / Rešerše
Pomohou nám červi s léčbou Alzheimera?
Neurodegenerativní onemocnění jsou strašákem, se kterým bychom se ve stáří, natož pak v mládí, rozhodně nechtěli setkat. Bohužel s věkem populace pacientů přibývá a efektivních léků se navzdory snaze, nedostává. Proto se vědci rozhodli zapojit do boje trochu nečekaného pomocníka – půdní hlístici Caenorhabditis elegans.
Psychologon / Psychologon
The Role of a Psychologist in the Treatment of Pain
Long-term pain has a considerable effect on the quality of life of patients but also of their close relatives (family and friends). A high risk of depressions, which again influences their physical condition, can be found in these patients. It is therefore beneficial to think about a possible role of a psychologist during the treatment of pain. What can he or she do for the patients?
Psychologon / Psychologon
Religion as a Remedy to Reduce Anxiety? A Cognitive Study of Religion
The term “religion” and its definition are areas in which scholars cannot see eye to eye. To clearly explain what the word religion means and at the same time not to leave out any of its forms is no piece of cake and not only for laymen. However, cognitive scholars have set out to find the cause for the presence of religious behaviour in people. They see it in the presence of anxiety which can be inhibited and reduced through ritualistic activities.
Psychologon / Psychologon
Jak mozek vnímá rozchod? Podobně, jako když si popálíte ruku
anglická verze
"To bolí", "to mě zranilo" - příklad výrazů, které se dají použít pro vyjádření jak fyzické, tak i citové bolesti. Má snad tato podobnost nějaký hlubší základ? Lidé sice zřetelně odlišují to, zda jsou zraněny jejich city nebo jejich kůže, ale co na to jejich mozek?
Psychologon / Psychologon
How Does the Brain Perceive a Break-Up? Similarly Like When You Burn Your Hand
czech version
"That hurts,” “That hurt me,” – examples of expressions that can be used to express both physical and emotional pain. Could this similarity have a deeper foundation? Even though people clearly differentiate between hurt feelings and hurt skin, does the brain work the same way?