Psychologon / Psychologon
Autogenní trénink – stále aktuálnější tradice (nejen) při zvládání stresu
Autogenní trénink (tzv. autogen) je celosvětově vysoce ceněnou relaxační metodou. Svou jednoduchostí a principiálním zaměřením je v dnešní stresem prosycené době velmi výtěžným postupem. Tradiční pojetí v aktuálním „kabátě“ může být cennou součástí „antistresové výbavy“ každého z nás...
Pavel Humpolíček / 1. 9. 2021
Psychologon / Psychologon
Autogenic training – current tradition (not only) in stress management
Autogenic training (or autogen) is a worldwide highly-appreciated relaxing method. Its simplicity and basic field of focus makes it very often used procedure in these stressful times. The traditional concept in a modern way may be an important element of our “anti-stress equipment”.
Pavel Humpolíček / 1. 9. 2021
Psychologon / Psychologon
Konec aktualizace časopisu
PsychoLogOn ukončil svou aktivní činnosti k 7. 10. 2019. Děkujeme za Vaši přízeň!
Psychologon / 4. 7. 2020
Psychologon / Rešerše
Babies who use eye contact more likely to build up vocabulary
"Babies who frequently communicate with their caregivers using eye contact and vocalisations at the age of one are more likely to develop greater language skills by the time they reach two, according to new research."
Read more in an article.
www.theguardian.com / 7. 10. 2019
Psychologon / Zaujalo nás
Proč hlupák zůstává hlupákem?
Nejenom na to odpovídá nová populárně psychologická kniha Davida Lacka, jednoho z redaktorů časopisu PsychoLogOn.
Pavel Humpolíček / 19. 6. 2019
Psychologon / Rešerše
How much does poor body image affect mental health?
"For Hannah Lewis, policy officer at Rethink Mental Illness, how we see ourselves is also a public health issue: “People with poor body image are at risk of self harm and of potentially harmful sexual behaviour,” she says. And poor body image can further undermine the wellbeing of people who already have a mental illness. Some medications can cause weight gain. “That’s really important to a person’s body image,” says Lewis. But can concerns about how you look directly lead to an eating disorder?"
www.theguardian.com / 18. 5. 2019
Psychologon / Psychologon
Nakonec odpustíme. Někdy.
Jednu chvíli cítíme tupou bolest z nespravedlnosti, další moment odpouštíme. Tento proces je jednou z determinant spokojeného životního stylu, well-beingu a kvalitních vztahů jak se sebou, tak i s druhými. Jak vypadá?
Petra Richterová / 6. 5. 2019
Psychologon / Rešerše
Are dating apps messing with our heads?
"Dating apps are everywhere, but how do they affect our mental health? Follow three people on their dating journeys, find out what these apps might be doing to us, and learn how to use them better."
BBC / 6. 5. 2019
Psychologon / Rešerše
How do you prevent extremism?
"Örell argues that the main outcome of the extremist mindset is to create a strong sense of belonging: “In these groups you have a very strong sense of purpose and cause. I think this goes for a range of groups, whether it's white power groups or violent Islamic extremist groups, or gangs. What I see for a lot of people, essentially, is having been part of a group where you have this very strong commitment, you feel you have the brothers who are prepared to sacrifice their lives for you, you have a cause that's so important you are prepared to risk your life for it. These mechanisms are quite unusual and build together a very strong sense of 'us'.”"
BBC / 2. 5. 2019
Psychologon / Rešerše
New Hope for Reversing the Trend in Depression and Suicide
"When I ask a client to put more words on the experience of being depressed, I hear phrases like, “I feel disconnected, deadened and hopeless.” They are describing what it can feel like to be cut off from one’s core emotions.
Learning about our emotions can help us understand them. It is the first step to making emotions less scary and overwhelming so we can learn to stop avoiding them. Education undoes damaging myths, like “strong people don’t have emotions” or "only weak people suffer.” When we understand emotions, our suffering changes from shameful to human."
www.psychologytoday.com / 15. 4. 2019
Psychologon / Rešerše
The cities that need a warning label?
"Some cities seem to inspire psychotic breaks so frequently among their visitors, mental health syndromes have been named after them. But are conditions like Jerusalem or Paris syndrome real?"
BBC / 15. 4. 2019