Psychologon / Rešerše
How does income affect childhood brain development?
"As a neuroscientist, one of things I find most exciting about the human brain is that our experiences change our brains. Now, this concept, known as neuroplasticity, means that these differences in children's brain structure don't doom a child to a life of low achievement. The brain is not destiny. And if a child's brain can be changed, then anything is possible."
www.ted.com / 8. 4. 2019
Psychologon / Psychologon
Krize první čtvrtiny života
Většina z nás už někdy slyšela o krizi středního věku. V současnosti se ale v moderních společnostech objevuje nový fenomén, který je také popisován jako krize a postihuje zejména mladé lidi. Výskyt podobných problémů stoupá a jejich příčiny jsou někdy různorodé, ale vývoj a důsledky jsou si podobné. Co tedy v současnosti trápí mladé lidi a proč vznikl nový pojem čtvrtživotní krize?
Štěpánka Michalíčková / 26. 2. 2019
Psychologon / Psychologon
Experience with autistic children from specialised kindergarten
For 6 months I volunteered in a kindergarten for autistic children and in this article, I will present my experiences and two case studies, focusing on sensory alterations connected to Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Soňa Navračičová / 27. 1. 2019
Psychologon / Psychologon
Koľko slov by sme mali vedieť, kým pôjdeme do škôlky
Kým o zrelosti dieťaťa na nástup do prvého ročníka základnej školy a začatie povinnej školskej dochádzky existuje množstvo publikácií, o tom, či je dieťa pripravené na nástup do materskej školy sa v odbornej literatúre píše len veľmi málo. Rady pre rodičov publikujú prevažne materské školy na svojich internetových stránkach a v iných propagačných materiáloch. V nasledujúcom texte prinášame zistenia viacerých autorov a hodnotíme, či rozsah slovnej zásoby môže byť kritériom pre vstup dieťaťa do materskej školy.
Psychologon / 31. 3. 2016
Psychologon / Rešerše
Plodné dny vyčtou z tváře
Věštkyně a básníci svorně tvrdí: „Tvář je otevřená kniha a kdo v ní umí číst, dokáže na první pohled odhadnout, s kým má co do činění“. Článek v nejnovějším čísle časopisu Biology Letters jim dává za pravdu.
www.osel.cz / 1. 2. 2016
Psychologon / Psychologon
Mice, Attention and the Superior Colliculi
This article presents a commentary on a report claiming that the neurobiological origin of attention deficit disorder has been discovered. It compares the report with the original article, on which it is based, and informs the reader on the fundamental issues of ADD and ADHD. The neurobiological origin of the disorder has not been found, but, despite that, the research findings may have a considerable impact on its discovery in the future.
Jana Sklepníková / 15. 8. 2015
Psychologon / Rešerše
Steve Silberman: The forgotten history of autism
Decades ago, few pediatricians had heard of autism. In 1975, 1 in 5,000 kids was estimated to have it. Today, 1 in 68 is on the autism spectrum. What caused this steep rise? Steve Silberman points to “a perfect storm of autism awareness” — a pair of psychologists with an accepting view, an unexpected pop culture moment and a new clinical test. But to really understand, we have to go back further to an Austrian doctor by the name of Hans Asperger, who published a pioneering paper in 1944. Because it was buried in time, autism has been shrouded in misunderstanding ever since.
www.ted.com / 3. 7. 2015
Psychologon / Rešerše
The surprisingly logical minds of babies
How do babies learn so much from so little so quickly? In a fun, experiment-filled talk, cognitive scientist Laura Schulz shows how our young ones make decisions with a surprisingly strong sense of logic, well before they can talk.
www.ted.com / 7. 6. 2015
Psychologon / Rešerše
Pawan Sinha: How brains learn to see
Pawan Sinha details his groundbreaking research into how the brain's visual system develops. Sinha and his team provide free vision-restoring treatment to children born blind, and then study how their brains learn to interpret visual data. The work offers insights into neuroscience, engineering and even autism.
www.ted.com / 7. 4. 2015